This course contains the essentials of our mission, vision, and philosophy as well as many applications to the classroom. 

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter One: Covenant Academy Faculty Training

    • Welcome from Leslie Collins, Head of School

    • Our Mission

    • Why Cypress needs Covenant

    • Our Plan

    • Quiz on School Plan

    • Classis Article: Creating a Sticky School

    • Sticky School Quiz

  • 2

    Chapter Two: Our Philosophy

    • Our Philosophy

    • Our Curriculum

    • Our Methodology

  • 3

    Chapter Three: Our Culture

    • What a Classical Classroom Looks Like

    • Chapel and Chapel Call-out

    • Chapel Quiz

    • Events

    • Habits and Manners

    • Starting the Year with Success

    • Starting the Year with Success Quiz

  • 4

    Chapter Six: Professional Development

    • Walk-Throughs

  • 5

    Chapter Four: Our Calling

    • Teacher Job Description

    • Teacher Evaluation

    • Conflict Resolution

    • Weekly Faculty Meetings

    • Weekly Meetings Quiz

  • 6

    Chapter Five: Our Campus

    • How We Got Here

    • Fire and Foul Weather Drills

    • Before and After School

    • End of the Day

    • Our Secure Facility

    • Campus Quiz

  • 7

    Chapter Seven: Effective Instruction and Assessment

    • Creating a Learning Culture

    • Learning Culture Quiz

    • Feasting

    • Time Management

    • Time Management Quiz

    • Our Classrooms

    • Lesson Planning

    • Weekly Lesson Plans

    • Lesson Plan Template with notes

    • Lesson Plan Template

    • Long Range Planning

    • Ten Best Practices

    • Dyslexia Awareness

  • 8

    Chapter Eight: Our Philosophy of Discipline

    • Reconciliation

    • Redemptive Correction

    • Protocol for Discipline

    • Office Visits

    • Principals' Office Visit Quiz

  • 9

    Chapter Nine: Miscellaneous Notes and Such

    • Attendance and Release of Students

    • Student Allergies

    • Accidents and Students Illness

    • Movies and Parties

    • Research and Classical Education

    • Music at Covenant

    • Social Media Requirement for all Teachers

    • Supervisory Duties and Descriptions

    • Portfolios

    • Guidelines for Parent Teacher Conferences

    • Finale